Factors that Affect China Concrete Mixer Pump Price

China is one of the most active countries in regard to the construction of buildings and infrastructure. This has presented vast opportunities for entrepreneurs in the industry. If you are looking to get into the construction industry, one of the machines you will certainly need is the concrete mixer pump.

A concrete mixer pump (бетономешалка с насосом) is used to transport ready-mix concrete from one place to the next in an easier and more straightforward manner compared to other conventional methods. These machines come in an array of variations and sizes and offer varying features. When looking to purchase one, you will certainly want to know the price and what you’re getting for the investment. That’s why in this read, we are going to look at the factors that affect the price of a China concrete mixer pump.

Factors that Affect China Concrete Mixer Pump Price
Concrete Mixer Pump For Sale

1. The Output Capacity

The output capacity is one of the primary factors that affect the cost of a concrete mixer pump. The higher the capacity, the higher the price. The cost, however, does not always rise proportionately with an increase in capacity. Many people make the mistake of purchasing the highest capacity they can get, especially when there’s a discount involved.

The best way to go about this is to pick a capacity that matches your requirements and the concrete amount you’ll need for your project.

2. The Design

While most concrete mixer pumps (бетоносмеситель с насосом) look similar from the outside, a closer look and you will realize they have some variations that may affect the final price. Every machine in the construction industry has to bewashed and cleaned, particularly equipment used for handling concrete. Otherwise, the machinery won’t perform at optimum efficiency. The design of a concrete mixer pump plays a vital role in the ease of cleaning as well as maintenance. As such, you will want a design that’s easy not just for operation, but also for cleaning and servicing.

Factors that Affect China Concrete Mixer Pump Price
China Concrete Mixer Pump For Sale

3. The Brand

There’s a wide array of established brands that manufacture concrete mixer pumps out there, and there’s an array of new ones, following the boom of the construction industry. Naturally, the newcomers resulted in a decrease in the machinery prices as they look to compete. While this might sound good for the end-user, unfortunately, it resulted in unreliability in the mixer pumps market.

There are numerous cases where buyers have had to return their machinery at a significant loss due to unreliability of the machinery. As such, it is advisable to buy machinery from a brand with a proven track record. Reputation is important in this industry, as these products do not come for cheap. Established brands (like AIMIX) are known to have high-quality products, and this, obviously, affects the final price.

4. Power Supply

Concrete mixer pumps in this regard include electric and diesel-powered. The electric-powered tends to come at a lower price compared to the diesel type with the same configuration.

5. Customer Service

The customer service department calls for substantial investment. As such, a company with considerate after-sale service is bound to charge more for the product compared to one with poor service. Learn more: https://aimixgroup.ru/betonosmesitelnyj-nasos/.