5 Factors That Contribute to Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price

Self loading concrete mixers are essential for construction companies these days. Their superior build quality and affordable price make them one of the most important machines at construction sites. They come with advanced features that traditional concrete mixers can’t offer. Moreover, their affordable price is another reason why construction companies want to invest in them. But before you buy one of these machines, you should know the factors that contribute to the self load concrete mixer price.

Best features of self loading concrete mixers

Don’t just buy a self loading concrete mixer based on its price. Many new manufacturers provide advanced features at low prices to attract customers. Secondly, you need to consider the discharging abilities, weight, and mixing and loading capabilities of the mixer before buying. In fact, the build quality and size are not the two factors that you need to keep in mind before buying one of these machines.

SelfLoading Concrete Mixer For Sale
SelfLoading Concrete Mixer For Sale

The productivity also plays a crucial role in determining the price. The ideal output of these machines should range between 10 and 15 m3/h. Most of the standard mixers you see in the market produce 12 m3/h. Additionally, the machine should also come with a 4-wheel drive. This ensures that the machine can work in all types of weather conditions. Learn further at https://aimixgroup.id/indonesia/self-loading-concrete-mixer-dijual/. The efficiency and stability shouldn’t go down, irrespective of the weather. Following are some more factors that contribute to the price of these machines:

1. Shock absorption

Concrete mixers have to deal with various ingredients while making the perfect concrete mix. Traditional concrete mixers tend to move a lot during the mixing process. But self loading concrete mixers work differently. They have hydraulic power disc brakes that prevent the machine from moving while mixing the ingredients.

2. Weighing systems

Self loading concrete mixers have accurate weighing systems that allow you to add ingredients in the right ratio. This is another reason these machines provide a premium quality concrete mix. You don’t need to guess how much quantity of ingredients you need to add.

self loading concrete mixer on-site
self loading concrete mixer on-site

3. Loading capacity

The average loading capacity of these concrete mixers varies between 500 and 600 liters. You can, however, buy bigger models that have higher capacities. The self loading concrete mixer price of the bigger models depends on their output capacity also. You should always consider your average requirement of concrete mix for the projects you take before buying this type of machine.

4. Water tank capacity

There are two parts of a self loading concrete mixer: one that mixes the concrete and the other that stores water. You need to add ingredients in the drum according to their ratios. The machine will mix water automatically, depending on the quantity of ingredients you just poured.

5. Operating system

Self loading concrete mixers come with 4-way hydraulic sticks that allow you to move the machine wherever you want.

Buying a self loading concrete mix may seem a gigantic task but, in reality, it’s quite easy, provided you keep the above factors in mind. They will help to find the best machine within your budget. Learn more about concrete mixer Indonesia here.