Why Invest in a Self-Loading Concrete Mixer Philippines

A self-loading concrete mixer combines the function of a concrete mixer and a transit mixer. It can make concrete, mix and make concrete flow, can contain a huge amount of concrete, and weigh it in the process. Efficiency at a high level will be obtained when using this construction truck because it will help lessen production cost and time spent for working.

Self-loading concrete mixer for sale Philippines has been popular for decades and it does all the things that a self-loading concrete mixer should do. There are a lot of features that this truck contains that makes it so reliable.

AS-4.0 self loading mixer
AS-4.0 self loading mixer

Movement Ability

Unlike other construction trucks, the self-loading concrete mixer Philippines has mobility like no other. Maneuverability will not be an issue to this truck because it is convenient to move especially in compact construction sites.

Loading and Discharging

Work efficiency will dramatically improve because of this feature. The truck loads concrete automatically and it also discharges the concrete automatically. Comparing it to other mixers, it will both save you time since loading manually usually takes a lot of time. The same goes with discharging the load. It will indeed increase your productivity and will save you a lot of time.

Has its own water supply

The Philippines self loading concrete mixer truck has its own water supply for its concrete. What this implies is that there is no need for you to prepare the concrete outside of the mixer. Not only that, it would also provide you with good quality concrete which is not attainable in regular mixers.

3.5 CUB self loading mixer
3.5 CUB self loading mixer

Maintenance is a breeze

You will not have a hard time in maintaining this truck. Cleaning the truck is easy. Maintenance parts are abundant so when you have a defective part on the truck, parts will always be available. Since this is also a new type of truck, it is sure that all the parts are new.

User Friendly

The truck’s operation is easy to understand. There is a manual that you can read when it comes to the buttons needed to be pressed. Also, since most of its functions are already automated, you just need to remember the buttons to be pressed and driving the truck.

It Can Mix Fast

This is a great advantage that this truck holds against other mixers. Because of its automation abilities, it self-water generation, and the power its machine has, it mixes concrete at a fast rate. Not only is it fast but the quality of the concrete being mixed is top notch. This will assure high productivity when it comes to constructing in sites or roads.

With city expansions and road widenings occurring right now in the Philippines, this truck will not only quicken the time required to complete their construction but will also produce better quality buildings and roads. With all the automation systems it has equipped on its belt, the self-loading concrete mixer Philippines will surely be a hit for all construction companies looking to gain a serious edge over the competition.